Florian Kuhlmann

Artist, digital expert, curator and programmer. For more than 20 years actively on the move in the hybrid spheres of the Internet, always in search of the digital sound of the Rheinlands. Metamodern at the fluid interface between yesterday and tomorrow.​


WTF?! TRIBUTE TO GUY is a hybrid art work as NFT and a NFT as an art work. It poses the question of what is original, what is copy, what is the real image and what is the likeness of the real, in a metamodern way. It is also a digital meditation on the dialectics of history, ideas, images and signs in the context of a spectacular economy.

TRIBUTE TO GUY by Florian Kuhlmann

Its a 3-step-drop of a NFT-Multiple, that consists of 3 individual but interconnected NFTs. Its a journey through different states of mind and the corresponding digital enhanced realities. These are the drop-defined states of mind:

Step 1 – A PICTURE OF TRIBUTE TO GUY IRL – free claim for the open edition
Step 2 – A TRIBUTE TO GUY WTF?! – a limited edition
Step 3 – TRIBUTE TO GUY – 1of1